
July 2024 Newsletter

I hope you’ve been having a great summer so far! With street fests, parades, sporting events, and more, Summertime Chi is in full swing. It’s hard to believe that Independence Day weekend is here! Wishing you and your loved ones a safe and happy celebration. If you have yet to find a location to watch […]
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June 2024 Newsletter

Happy Pride Month, District 12! May this month be one of celebration, community, and solidarity in the continued fight to protect and advance the rights of our LGBTQIA+ neighbors. At a time when the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community have been under attack across the country, I am proud of the work that we have […]
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May 2024 Newsletter

The General Assembly is back in Springfield following a brief spring recess. During the short break, I had the opportunity to join in on a few of the spring events throughout the district. It was so great connecting with many of you while seeing our neighborhoods in bloom! Throughout May, the House will be focusing […]
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April 2024 Newsletter

Spring is finally here! This season is one of optimism and new beginnings, with the additional hours of sunlight, warmer weather (fingers crossed we see more of this soon!), and plants blooming throughout our beautiful neighborhoods. Whether it be the classic spring cleaning, working in your home garden, or just returning to spending time outdoors, […]
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March 2024 Newsletter

Happy International Women’s Day! This day gives us the opportunity to recognize the remarkable achievements and invaluable contributions women have made throughout our history. While recognizing past triumphs for women, it’s also important that we celebrate those who continue to fight to break glass ceilings and forge new paths. As a member of the House […]
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The Governor’s State of the State Address

Today, Governor JB Pritzker delivered his annual State of the State and Budget Address at the State Capitol before the members of the General Assembly. Each year, the Governor lays out his priorities for the upcoming fiscal year and marks the beginning of the budget negotiating process between legislators, agencies, and the Governor’s Office. The […]
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February 2024 Newsletter

This year’s legislative session marks my fourth year as your State Representative! I am so grateful to continue representing the 12th District in Springfield and to advocate for issues that impact my constituents. As we gear up for a busy session, I wanted to give you a legislative update and a look into what to […]
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January 2024 Newsletter

Happy New Year! I hope your 2024 is off to a great start!  The start of a new year brings with it the enactment of new Illinois laws. Over 300 new laws took effect on January 1st and I wanted to highlight a few for you: State-funded libraries are now prohibited from banning or removing […]
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December 2023 Newsletter

I recently returned back from Springfield for the last week of veto session. The General Assembly worked together to pass 22 bills that are now awaiting the Governor’s signature. Here is a brief update on the larger items that came up during veto session: My office received a tremendous amount of outreach about the Invest […]
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November 2023 Newsletter

In late October, the Illinois General Assembly returned to Springfield for veto session. This first week concluded with the House passing Speaker Welch’s bill HB4148, which would allow Illinois’ state legislative staff to organize and bargain collectively as a union. The legislation now heads to the Senate for further consideration. Since my last legislative update, […]
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